If you don’t have clients you don’t have a business. This is no joke. Without clients your business is just a hobby. Yes, I am talking to you.
Your number one goal is to make a huge impact on your best friend forever clients. These are the people you would LOVE to work with.
But never forget that you need to attract new clients to you as well. You must be talking to your new clients always.
YET – when it comes to marketing our services, many of us are missing some very important points.
It took me a long time to realise this. I actually thought I was doing something wrong. But once I figured out what I was missing, my business has never been the same again. This is key.
Tip #1 Be 100% You
I did a scope earlier this week all about the importance of being you. Don’t try to be someone else, don’t try to be all posh and wear heels if you don’t feel comfortable wearing them. Do what feels right to you.
I am super high energy. I talk fast. I walk fast. I type fast. And I have had people for years tell me to slow down, talk slower, walk slower blah blah blah. Well I said enough was enough years ago. I am who I am, you either like me or you don’t.
And when I finally started my own business I found people who loved my energy and started to embrace all of me. So promise me, don’t change for anyone.
Speak your truth and be you. (tweet this!)
Tip #2 Give More Than You Take
Yes, we all want to make a difference in our BFF client’s lives. And this is probably our “big why” for starting our businesses in the first place.
However, all the desire and passion to make a difference won’t bring clients in. And that is why we tend to ask a lot of our clients.
We ask them to like our FB page, we ask them to follow up on Periscope, we ask them to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, pay us money.
You get the idea right?
You have done this haven’t you? Yup, and me too.
And you are thinking, “But Brigid, if we don’t ask them for things we won’t make money.”
True. I am not saying you shouldn’t ask for things. But what I am saying is there needs to be a balance of what you give and what you ask for.
Think about this for a second, have you fallen into the trap of asking too much of your ideal client.
Here are a couple of fabulous quotes:
“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” Napoleon Hill
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” –Stephen R. Covey
Everything you do or say or write in your business should come from a place of love. But first listen to what your BFF clients need and give them more. (tweet this!)
Once you start to listen and add value, you will be able to support your BFF clients as you were meant to. And your clients will stand up and take notice.
Survey your clients and ask them:
- How can you support them?
- What is ONE thing that is holding them back from achieving their goals?
- What do your BFF clients need more than anything else?
- How can I help them overcome that obstacle?
And keep asking and keep surveying. Figure out what they need, want and desire. Get inside their brain.
Once you know those answers, you will be able to support your clients more fully. You will have the solution for them and when they are ready they will be able to receive it with open arms.
So, you know what you need to do.
Be 100% you and speak from the heart. Don’t try to be someone else. When you are you, you are real and exquisite. (tweet this!)
You have experiences, expertise and so much value that you can share with and support your clients to help them live richer, happier, lives.
The key is, you must figure out what your BFF client needs and share your wisdom freely and generously.
Believe in the power of giving and the Universe will return your generosity with plentiful gifts and a multitude of loyal followers and clients alike.
How have you been able to see amazing results by being 100% you and most importantly giving more value than what you are asking for. Tell me about it in the comments below!
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