Do you often wake up in the morning rushing around, checking your phone, reading emails before you’ve had a chance to just sit and meditate, or write in your journal or hug your hubby or kids?
I wish for your happiness, just as I wish for it for myself.
Let’s be honest, I had a pretty rough couple of months (who am I kidding…it’s been a rough year). Things felt off for me. Even though I had my highest month ever in my biz in September, I also worked a ton of hours and was struggling to find the balance. I got sick, I was struggling with being here in TX and missing my friends, and so much more.
I allowed myself to honor the struggle as Brendon Burchard talks about. And I kept going back to my mindset (happiness) practice (maybe not as much as I should have initially but I finally got there). I wrote in my journal. Hugged my hubby and kids. I walked outside and savored my food. Journaled as I sat in front of the fire place and I made sure to get a work out in. I did all the things that make me smile.
And guess what?
Things started to fall back into place. It didn’t happen over night, but things got clearer.
Clarity is sometimes all you need.
I even let go of a couple of clients that didn’t fit where my business is heading. EEK!
Yes, I was afraid to do this, because hey, they’re paying me money right? Saying no to someone who’s paying me money, that’s weird? But in order for me to take my business to where I want it to go, I had to do this. And I absolutely know it was the right decision on so many levels.
I have a desire to work with clients who want me and my team to really step in and support them strategically and run their marketing, manage their projects, run their social media etc. #doallthethings
I am telling you this because it’s not all rose petals, rainbows and unicorns. There are struggles, and tough decisions, and growing pains etc. BUT I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love what I do and I love my clients.
Doing your mindset work, and finding your happiness is key to your success and
finding your own clarity.
It may take awhile to find your happiness, but KEEP DOING THE WORK! Your happiness is key. It’s an ongoing practice that has to happen daily. Trust me, a few weeks back I was really wondering if I was going to find it, but I stayed the course….
If you’re an entrepreneur, you can have all the systems, funnels and strategies in place, but if you don’t work your mindset, you’ll eventually fail. It truly is 90% of your success.
Think about this…