Be Seen. Be of Service.
These words keep coming up for me lately.
And I know this mantra will not only apply to my life but also my business.
- In my goals.
- In how I want to work with my clients.
- In what programs I create and how I position my business going forward in 2015.
- And also in my personal life with my family, my friends and community.
Most people think I am an extrovert, but it is far from reality. I can be quite shy and sometimes get nervous about putting myself out there. And in 2015, this is not an option. I’ve been able to help some many amazing women to date, but I want to overcome this internal issue I have so I can help even more. I have so much to offer and I am not going to let my inner demons hold me back.
Allowing myself to be seen is KEY for me in 2015. And not being afraid to put myself out there even if I think I am being “pushy.” I have to remind myself, that if I am offering help, that isn’t pushy. I grew up in a household that didn’t allow us kids to go door to door to sell chocolate or anything. My dad didn’t want us to seem “pushy” or be the annoying neighbors. And so this is a good reminder to us all, being helpful is NOT equivalent to being pushy.
I love to help others in any way I can. And allowing myself to step up and be of service to more, is just the icing on the cake.
I thought about this for awhile. I tried on other mantras, but this one seemed to stick. Do I think it is going to be easy? Nope. But am I committed to it? You betcha!
I like to hide on social media and respond to other people’s questions and celebrate their successes. But, I don’t like to post in groups very often, as I feel like I am “trying” too hard. Well, if in 2015 I can commit to posting and offering help, providing an insight or creating a buzz, then so be it. No more hiding. And if someone invites me to be on a podcast or speak then my inner demons will just have to suck it.
So, I’m open to putting myself out there and overcoming my internal fears and dialogue.
I’m open to showing up and being seen by anyone who’s around.
I’m open to getting out of my comfort zone.
I’m open to providing help in multiple ways in 2015.
So, I’ve decided that Be Seen. Be of Service is my Mantra for 2015. What’s your mantra going to be?
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PS If you are interested in starting your own business don’t hesitate to sign up for a FREE Biz Breakthrough call with me to see how working with a coach can assist you in getting your business off the ground and making money in 2015.