People often ask me, “how do you do it all?”
You have two boys who are very active in sports, and extra curricular activities as well as school work. You also run your own successful business, you work out daily, you enjoy your family time and friendships, and yet you also come to each client session 100% focused.
“Seriously, how do you do it all? I don’t even have kids and when I get home from work I am hard pressed to make myself dinner let alone work out.”
I manage my life to my situation at hand. And it is imperative to have key systems and structures in place to help me succeed in my business and achieve freedom in my life and in my business.
Plus I extremely clear on my priorities and what I need to accomplish each day and each week.
The reality is that I’ve had situations in my life where I overworked myself and ended up seriously ill for weeks on end. And I made a choice to never allow that to enter my life again. I was no longer available for overwhelm and burnout.
I nearly lost my son Seb when I was pregnant with him, so that reality really sunk in for me. I was becoming a mother and I was also working full time. I needed to make sure I was able to be present and in the moment with my kids. I didn’t want to take for granted what it meant to be a mom.
I believe how we show up in our life and our businesses is a reflection on our desired life. (tweet this!)
If we have replaced overwhelm and burnout in a Corporate job with overwhelm and burnout in being an entrepreneur then something has to change.
I encourage you to tap into your inner desires, otherwise how can you realistically serve your clients to the best of your abilities.
I love the analogy of the oxygen mask on the airplane. The flight attendants always say in case of an emergency put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then assist anyone else. It is the same thing in your life and business. If you are supporting and serving everyone else BUT yourself, then really you are serving no one. (tweet this!)
So, you might be wondering, HOW the HECK do I do this Brigid?
I will be honest, it is ALL about getting strict with your time and putting key systems and structures into place.
Structures don’t hinder you, they allow you to soar. (tweet this!)
I have a certain number of hours in the day to work on and in my business given my boys are in school till 3pm. I have chosen not to put them in after school program, because once again I want to be available for them. It’s MY choice.
I am extremely focused with my time. I work on my blog on a specific day, my marketing on another, my reach outs, client meetings etc.
But I also make sure to schedule in time for working out, spending time with friends, getting a pedicure, date night with my hubby as well as investing in my own coach and prioritizing my own personal growth and development.
My first priority is me and my family no matter what.
I always make sure that I am taken care of emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually. Is it easy to do? Not everyday. But I do it because I am so much better off in the long run.
I schedule everything, no matter what.
As Marie Forleo loves to say, “If it’s not scheduled it doesn’t happen.”
If you don’t already, I want you to start scheduling everything and getting it on your calendar. Make it happen. Don’t wish and hope, make it happen.
Here are 4 Tips Why Having a Schedule and Structure in Place is Key to Achieving Freedom:
- It’s a check-in: my calendar is a visual reflection of my values and priorities in my life and business.
- It’s a brilliant reminder: I use my calendar as a way of knowing what I want and need to accomplish during that particular time.
- Big picture thinking: Having it scheduled is another way to tap into my life and business goals. It helps to keep me focused on the big picture goals. For example, it is really important to me to have time with my boys and husband. Yes I could work 15 hours a day and have a blast doing it, but it doesn’t line up with my ultimate goals of having a family and wonderful relationship.
- It’s celebratory: I love seeing that I have scheduled time to be with my hubby or to go for a walk with my girlfriend. It is my time to celebrate me and my relationships and that I am working for myself and get to be in control of MY time. It makes me smile every time.
I have come across loads of women entrepreneurs who have told me time and time again that they LOVE to work 15+ hours a day in their business. And I ask, do they ever take any time for themself? The answer is usually the same, no not really.
I just wonder, if you were required to work less and have more time for fun what would you do?
I would love to challenge you to take an hour this week and do something for you. Call up a girlfriend and go get a pedicure or a massage. Read a book that isn’t business related. Go for a walk and just enjoy the fresh air. Do it once, and then schedule it again for the following week.
Be strategic with your calendar and stick to it. (tweet this!)
I promise that your business will grow with this simple shift back to scheduling time for you as well as your business and making you a priority. You will see more abundance, happy clients and everyday joy and satisfaction.
Remember that what you put out into the world comes back. So if you are more relaxed and joyful, you will attract more of the same. So take the time to take care of you today. You won’t be sorry.
Have a wonderful week and know I am always here for you.