I’ll tell you a Secret

Hi, I’m Brigid Ward, I’m a business coach and I empower entrepreneurs to fearlessly create their dream life and business. I support them in going from overwhelm to knowing exactly what needs to happen to get their business profitable. I dreamed of starting my...

Start Where You Are

Start where you are today. Do you have a dream of starting your own business, or doing something new in your business? If yes, then it’s ok to start taking the necessary steps today. There is never a perfect time. When starting a business you sometimes have to take a...

Are you Bored by your Story?

Are you stuck and not moving forward? Do you have a dream for you business but aren’t taking action? You tell yourself that you really, really want to create your dream business and live life on your terms, but you keep justifying why you haven’t achieved...

Are you Sharing your Message?

I woke up at 3am and had an epiphany! It was so big I couldn’t actually fall back to sleep. Back story. We had a death in the family and had to travel up north 3 hours to attend a funeral. Note, this was a Maori funeral which is a 3 a day affair with lots of kissing...

Do you Believe in YOU?

Did you know that you don’t have to take a test or earn some medal to have self-belief and personal power? Yes, the many little steps you take in your life can help to build up your self belief, just by following through on what you say you’re going to do....