by Brigid Ward | Apr 26, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
Want to create breakthroughs in your business? Here are 10 ways to powerfully impact your business. 1. Start asking yourself key questions. How does your client benefit from working with you? I asked this question in my Facebook group recently and boy was it...
by Brigid Ward | Mar 19, 2016 | Business & Money, Entrepreneurship
I have an AWESOME tip to share that will literally save you time and money, but first I have a story to share with you that will help illustrate my tip. Long long ago, in a far away land….ok not that kind of story. There once was an entrepreneur who was just...
by Brigid Ward | Feb 29, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, inspiration
I’ve noticed a lot of entrepreneurs not achieving their innate success because they are letting one big obstacle hold back in their business growth. [ctt title=”Don\’t allow this one big obstacle hold you back.” tweet=”Don’t allow this...
by Brigid Ward | Feb 17, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
Just a little over a year ago, I was a struggling coach. I was completely clueless on how this online game world even worked. I was literally throwing anything and everything against the wall, hoping it would stick. I had no idea where to find my clients and if they...
by Brigid Ward | Feb 3, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, inspiration
Are you sharing YOUR message every day? Have you noticed that on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram there are loads of people who only share quotes from others? The question is, do these people have something unique to say? Do they have a point of view they want to share...
by Brigid Ward | Jan 28, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
We’ve heard this time and time again, “the money is in the list”. — But I prefer to say, the magic is in your list. Every entrepreneur out there will tell you that you need to be growing your list. And there are loads of ways to do it, some of...